Friday, May 3, 2024

  • 05/03/2024 - 1:00pm to 2:30pm
    Library and social work collaborations are growing across the US and globally, and with good reason, as psychosocial needs have increased while the social safety net has simultaneously decreased in many communities. This presentation will cover recent research on the growing psychosocial needs of library patrons, how patrons are using their library to address psychosocial needs, and how these needs have shifted libraries' roles and increased staff stress and trauma. Information will be presented about how social work partnerships are used to complement public library services and address the psychosocial needs of library patrons while also increasing support for library staff. Examples will be shared of successful library and social work collaborations to address patrons' needs, support staff, and improve community capacity to address psychosocial needs. The presentation will end with suggestions for social workers and libraries wanting to begin a new collaboration to meet staff, patron, and community needs in their local areas.