Frequently Asked Questions


How do I create a new account?

How do I earn continuing education credits? 



How do I create a new account?

How do I bookmark the Ethos page to my web browser?

How do I save my login information for Ethos?

Why do I have to create a new password every time I log into my account?

What should I do if I forget my case-sensitive username?

What should I do if I forget my password?

What should I do if I requested a new password, but didn’t get an email with the link to change it?



How do I earn continuing education credits?

How do I register for a course?

How long do I have to earn credit for attending?

Where do I find the pretest, posttest, and evaluation to earn credit for an activity?

How do I access Enduring/On Demand workshops? 

Where can I find links to live broadcasts and activity handouts?

In what time zone are the live events broadcast?

To Attend in Person



How do I enter the codeword for attendance?

How do I text the codeword?

How long do I have to enter the codeword for attendance?

What do I do if it says mobile not on record, but the number is listed in my account?



When does a course evaluation expire?

How can I edit my profile?

How do I know the activity is complete and I earned credit?

Why can't I download my certificate?

Where are my certificates?

How do I download my full transcript?

How can I download a transcript that lists activities completed between my renewal dates?

How can I download an individual certificate?

How can I add external credits to my transcript? 

Does the American Psychological Association (APA) require a completed evaluation for a psychologist to earn a certificate?

How can I submit a grievance?




Which Internet browsers work best for accessing the website?

What if I use Internet Explorer?


For a more in-depth look into some of our FAQ's, including screenshots, download the user guide: Sheppard Pratt User Guide

If you still have questions or need assistance, contact the Center for Professional Education office at 443-690-9769 or by email at [email protected]