Friday, November 8, 2024

  • 11/08/2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
    All people experience needs to regulate their emotions throughout everyday life. Some of our strategies may be more useful than others, but sometimes lack of either awareness or practice of different emotion regulation strategies is a barrier to exploring more effective ways at regulating our emotions without ignoring them. This presentation will cover: the process model of emotion generation and emotion regulation; how to use the process model to identify various places to regulate emotions; past research on two emotion regulation strategies: suppression and rethinking; practice utilizing the rethinking strategy; create a “plan to practice” an active emotion regulation strategy; suggestions for using the model in practice and ways of helping patients practice and self-monitor their emotion regulation effectiveness. Teaching patients the process model of emotions and emotion regulation can provide an empowering framework for organizing and suggesting emotion regulation strategies. Attendees will also practice one emotion regulation strategy “rethinking” – and generate ways to aid their patients in practicing this strategy to add to a toolbelt.