Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeStrongly Disagree
Faculty was knowledgeable: Jon Hershfield, MFT
Faculty was knowledgeable: Robert Hudak, MD
Presentation was relevant to your needs
Session I Learning Objective #1 was met: Define obsessions and compulsions in the context of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Session I Learning Objective #2 was met: Differentiate cognitive restructuring from co-ritualizing.
Session I Learning Objective #3 was met: Describe different types of exposure and response prevention techniques.
Session II Learning Objective #1 was met: Demonstrate knowledge of the OCD treatment algorithm.
Session II Learning Objective #2 was met: Describe how to manage treatment resistant OCD.
Session II Learning Objective #3 was met: List the criteria for neurosurgery in OCD and be able to explain why most patients referred for surgery are not eligible.
Facility and accommodations were comfortable
Satisfactory content and quality education materials