Event date
  • Grand Rounds
  • Suicide/Crisis
  • 1.50 ACEP NBCC clock hours
  • 1.50 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.50 Category I credits for Social Workers
  • 1.50 Psychologists
  • 1.50 MNA Contact Hours for Nurses
  • 1.50 Participation
Most lectures on suicide assume an academic perspective by focusing exclusively on research related to suicide or clinical disorders associated with suicide. This presentation will take a different perspective by presenting information about evidence-based strategies for suicide prevention and then hearing from three survivors of suicide attempts about their experiences with some of these strategies. The participants will learn about the non-linear and unexpected path each survivor took to recover from their intense suicidality. What worked, what didn’t, and how unexpected interventions and social connection contributed to traditional treatments. The testimonies of the survivors will be honest in their appraisal of the behavioral health system, and the effort and commitment required to achieve recovery. The important takeaway of the presentation is that no single treatment for suicidality is effective for all patients, and each patient will experience periods of trial and error as they search for the treatment that is most effective for them. Ultimately, each person finds treatments that support their functionality realizing that treatments for suicidality are often not fully curative.
  • Anxiety/OCD
  • Psychotherapy
  • Workshop
  • 1.00 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
  • 1.00 Category I credits for Social Workers
  • 1.00 Psychologists
  • 1.00 MNA Contact Hours for Nurses
  • 1.00 Participation
Psychotherapists are powerful and often under-utilized allies in engaging our patients in effective use of psychiatric medication. Learn how effective communication between prescribers and psychotherapists can advance “treatment-resistant” patients forward while simultaneously enhancing clinician’s fulfillment in their work. Go beyond discussing neurotransmitters and into the heart of what taking psychiatric medication means to our patients. Address fears of dependency, loss of identity, weakness, and loss of control. Understand how attachment styles, medical trauma, and minority status predict medication side effects. Cultivate in patients an internal locus of control and self-advocacy skills to reduce side effect burden. Learn what information psychiatric medication prescribers really want to hear from psychotherapists and vice versa. Together, we are powerful allies in moving treatment forward. This presentation will help clinicians discuss medications in ways that empower their clients to more effectively engage in psychiatric treatment.
