By selecting yes, I am requesting (1) CE credit for (node for discipline) and attest that I have been present for this entire session.
Strongly AgreeAgreeSomewhat AgreeSomewhat DisagreeStrongly DisagreeNot Applicable
Faculty was knowledgeable, effective and clear in the delivery of content:
Facutly and moderator were responsive to audience input
Learning Objective #1 was met:
Learning Objective #2 was met:
Learning Objective #3 was met:
Presentation was relevant to your needs or interests
Content met expectations
Content was current
Satisfactory and quality education materials
Technology was easy to use
Course registration process was easy to use
Adminitstrative staff were responsive to questions or concerns
Content presented in this session will affect your treatment decisions?
Accommodations were satisfactory and adequate
Accesssibilty accommodations were easy to access