Friday, March 21, 2025

  • 03/21/2025 - 12:00pm to 4:15pm
    Have you ever been faced with a client with a BFRB and not known how to approach treatment? Hair pulling and skin picking disorders (Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors or BFRBs) are fairly common, yet treatment information is lacking, and knowledgeable treatment providers are scarce. This talk seeks to address the dearth of available, evidence-based treatment by providing a comprehensive description of what BFRBs are (and what they are not), information on how to conceptualize BFRBs utilizing an individualized approach based upon a functional analysis, as well as specific treatment guidelines for building an individualized treatment plan. Participants will learn to diagnose, conceptualize, and treat BFRBs utilizing a functional analytic approach that is tailored to the individual. Dealing with treatment resistance, co-morbid disorders, and addressing shame will all be covered in this thorough clinical training taught by two recognized experts in the field of BFRBs, Time will be allotted for clinical questions and case conceptualization.