OCD & Anxiety Workshop: Comprehensive Treatment for BFRBs: Everything You Need to Know About Treating Hair Pulling and Skin Picking
This presentation will be an IN PERSON AND LIVE STREAMED broadcast on March 21, 2025, from 12:00 pm - 4:15 pm ET. While this activity is LIVE and can only be viewed during the time specified, the evaluation will be available online until April 18, 2025. Go to the Register tab above to learn how to participate for continuing education credit, watch the broadcast and download the slides.
Please click here to reserve your seat and your lunch. Space is limited! If you're joining us virtually, you do not need to RSVP.
The views and opinions expressed by this presenter in this lecture are their own, and do not represent the views of Sheppard Pratt.
Have you ever been faced with a client with a BFRB and not known how to approach treatment? Hair pulling and skin picking disorders (Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors or BFRBs) are fairly common, yet treatment information is lacking, and knowledgeable treatment providers are scarce. This talk seeks to address the dearth of available, evidence-based treatment by providing a comprehensive description of what BFRBs are (and what they are not), information on how to conceptualize BFRBs utilizing an individualized approach based upon a functional analysis, as well as specific treatment guidelines for building an individualized treatment plan. Participants will learn to diagnose, conceptualize, and treat BFRBs utilizing a functional analytic approach that is tailored to the individual. Dealing with treatment resistance, co-morbid disorders, and addressing shame will all be covered in this thorough clinical training taught by two recognized experts in the field of BFRBs, Time will be allotted for clinical questions and case conceptualization.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for psychologists, social workers, counselors and other mental health professionals. This event does not meet criteria for physician or nurse contact hours.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, attendees will be able to:
- Describe the etiology, prevalence, and conceptualization of BFRBs
- Apply knowledge gathered from the functional analysis to prescribe useful and effective interventions that are tailored to the individual.
- Discuss how to engage individuals in treatment, and how to individualize treatment plans to achieve the best possible outcomes.
From the Baltimore beltway, take exit 25, Charles Street. Proceed south on Charles Street for approximately 2.5 miles. The entrance to Sheppard Pratt will be on your left, just past the stone gatehouse. You will be on Gatehouse Drive. Take the first left onto Conference Center Drive. Turn left to the parking area directly in front of the Conference Center.
Please click here to reserve your seat and your lunch. Space is limited! If you're joining us virtually, you do not need to RSVP.
To reach the Conference Center enter the campus from Charles Street using Gatehouse Drive. Stay on Gatehouse Drive bearing left when it forks at Pratt Drive. Continue a short distance and Conference Center Drive will be on your left. Follow Conference Center Drive to the facility. Park in front of the building.
There is no commercial support for this activity.
About the speakers
Dr. Mouton-Odum is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, the Founder and Director of Psychology Houston, PC: The Center for Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, and President of PsycTech, LLC. Dr. Mouton-Odum has extensive experience conducting cognitive behavioral treatment for children, adolescents, and adults, and evidence-based psychological treatments. She specializes in treating people with BFRBs, OCD, tic disorders, and other anxiety disorders. Dr. Mouton-Odum is Co-Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the TLC Foundation for Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors and has served on this board for more than 20 years. She has published numerous scientific journal articles, presents at national and international conferences, and is co-author of four books for the general public and two books for professionals. Relevant book titles include: “A Parent Guide to Hair Pulling Disorder” and “Comprehensive Behavioral (ComB) Treatment for Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors, A Clinical Guide.”
Ruth Goldfinger Golomb, LCPC, is a senior clinician, supervisor, and a co-director of the training program at the Behavior Therapy Center of Greater Washington, where she has worked since the mid 1980's. Ms. Golomb specializes in treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adults. She has conducted numerous workshops and seminars, and participated as an expert in panel discussions covering many topics including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Trichotillomania and other Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs), and providing cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for anxious adults. In addition to publishing articles for professional journals and newsletters, Ms Golomb is an author of "The Hair Pulling 'Habit' and You: How to Solve the Trichotillomania Puzzle," “Stay Out of My Hair” and “A Parent Guide to Hair Pulling Disorder: Effective Parenting Strategies for Children with Trichotillomania,” “Overcoming Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors, “ “Psychological Interventions for Children with Sensory Dysregulation,”“ Helping Your Child with Sensory Regulation.”” Overcoming Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors” and “Comprehensive Behavioral (ComB) Treatment for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors.” She is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for The TLC Foundation for Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors.
Disclosure Statements
Sheppard Pratt holds the standard that its continuing medical education programs should be free of commercial bias and conflict of interest. In accord with Sheppard Pratt's Disclosure Policy, as well as standards of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and the American Medical Association (AMA), all planners, reviewers, speakers and persons in control of content have been asked to disclose any relationship he /she has with any entity producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients, during the past 24 months. All planners, reviewers and speakers have also been asked to disclose any payments accepted for this lecture from any entity besides Sheppard Pratt, and if there will be discussion of any products, services, or off-label uses of product(s) during this presentation.
Suzanne Mouton-Odum, Ph.D , reports that she is the owner of PsycTech, LLC and receives royalties from cbittrainer.com. She will not discuss any products, services, or off-label uses in this presentation. All relationships have been mitigated through review.
Ruth Golomb, LCPC, reports receiving royalties from New Harbinger, Cambridge University Press, Guilford, Goldum Publishing. She will not discuss any products, services, or off-label uses in this presentation. All relationships have been mitigated through review.
Event Planners/Reviewers Disclosures: The following event planners and/or reviewers are reported as having no financial interest, arrangement or affiliation with any entity producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients, during the past 24 months: Jon Hershfield, MFT, Todd Peters, MD, Elizabeth Ryznar, MD, MSc, Louis Marino, MD, Devi Bhuyan, PsyD, Faith Dickerson, PhD, Carrie Etheridge, LCSW-C, Tom Flis, LCPC, Paula Bostwick, MSN, RN, CENP, Alfredo Sagisi, DNP, MS, RN, FACHE, Maggie O'Neill MSN, RN, PMH-BC, Lisa Illum, MLIS, MEd, and Jennifer Tornabene.
Psychologist Statement: Sheppard Pratt is authorized by the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists as a sponsor of continuing education. Sheppard Pratt takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CE activity. Sheppard Pratt designates this educational activity for a maximum of 4.0 contact hours for Psychologists.
Social Worker Statement: Sheppard Pratt is authorized by the Board of Social Work Examiners of Maryland to offer continuing education for Social Workers. Sheppard Pratt takes responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of this CE activity. This activity is approved for 4.0 contact hours in Category I credits for Social Workers.
Counselor Statement: Sheppard Pratt has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 5098. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Sheppard Pratt is solely responsible for all aspects of the program. This activity is available for 4.0 NBCC clock hours.
Available Credit
- 4.00 ACEP NBCC clock hours
- 4.00 Category I credits for Social Workers
- 4.00 Psychologists
- 4.00 Participation
This presentation will be an IN PERSON AND LIVE STREAMED broadcast on March 21, 2025, from 12:00 pm - 4:15 pm ET. While this activity is LIVE and can only be viewed during the time specified, the evaluation will be available online until April 18, 2025. Go to the Register tab above to learn how to participate for continuing education credit, watch the broadcast and download the slides.
REGISTER TO WATCH THE BROADCAST: You must pre-register to attend the live broadcast. Click on the Registration link located in the Register/Take Course tab. Enter your first name, last name, and email address. You will receive a confirmation email that you have registered to attend the broadcast. When it is time for the live broadcast, you can use the link in the confirmation email or click on the registration link again. If you have pre-registered, you can click on the Already Registered button and enter the email address you registered under to enter the broadcast. The link to watch the broadcast will be LIVE at 11:30 am ET.
Please click here to reserve your seat and your lunch. Space is limited! If you're joining us virtually, you do not need to RSVP.
To attend in person, arrive at the Conference Center by 12:00 pm ET. The lecture will begin promptly at 12:00 pm ET. You will still need to complete the pretest, posttest, evaluation, and attestation of credit to earn your certificate.
From the Baltimore beltway, take exit 25, Charles Street. Proceed south on Charles Street for approximately 2.5 miles. The entrance to Sheppard Pratt will be on your left, just past the stone gatehouse. You will be on Gatehouse Drive. Take the first left onto Conference Center Drive. Turn left to the parking area directly in front of the Conference Center.
The codeword will be announced during the live event. The codeword is used to prove you attended the event. You will not need it to access the broadcast.
The broadcast can not be accessed through cme.sheppardpratt.org. You will need to use the link provided below to watch the broadcast.
Use this link to download the handout. This handout will be available for download on March 20, 2025, at 12:00 pm ET.
PRIOR TO THE EVENT: Log into your Sheppard Pratt Ethos account and register by taking the pretest. Select the activity by series, title or speaker name. Go to the last tab, REGISTER and select the GREEN RECTANGLE, TAKE COURSE, and follow the prompts. Complete the Pretest. You will not be able to work further until you are marked attended by entering the codeword. You do not need the codeword to watch the live broadcast. The link for the broadcast is located on the Register/Take Course tab of the course page.
REGISTER TO WATCH THE BROADCAST: You must pre-register to attend the live broadcast. Click on the Registration link located in the Register/Take Course tab. Enter your first name, last name, and email address. You will receive a confirmation email that you have registered to attend the broadcast. When it is time for the live broadcast, you can use the link in the confirmation email or click on the registration link again. If you have pre-registered, you can click on the Already Registered button and enter the email address you registered under to enter the broadcast.
DURING THE EVENT: Because you will view this event online, there will not be a sign in sheet. Instead of signing in, a codeword will be given during the lecture for you. The codeword will be announced during the live broadcast. There are two ways to enter the codeword: by text/SMS & through the website. To use the website to enter the codeword to be marked attended, you will go to https://cme.sheppardpratt.org/code and enter the codeword there. To use SMS to enter the codeword, you will text the codeword to 410-291-8061. To save time, add this phone number to your contacts. Once you enter the codeword, you can click on the My Account> Pending Courses tab and you will see the course listed there. From this tab you will be able to complete your course.
AFTER THE LECTURE: Once you enter the codeword, you can click on My Account > Pending Activities and you will see the course listed there. From this tab you will be able to complete your course. Select the last tab, TAKE COURSE, and select the GREEN RECTANGLE, TAKE COURSE and follow the prompts. Please use the navigation button located in the lower right corner to continue throughout the course for best results. Complete the posttest, evaluation, and credit designation to earn continuing education hours or credits. You must complete each component of the COURSE PROGRESS BAR to earn credit for the activity. Your transcript will reflect all completed events.
Questions? Please look at our FAQ page https://cme.sheppardpratt.org/content/faq or email [email protected].
Required Hardware/software
Optimal System Configuration
Flash Player: Adobe Flash Player 10.1+
Browser: Firefox 3+, Internet Explorer 8.0+, Safari 4.0+, or Google Chrome 7.0+
Operating System: Windows XP+ or Mac OS X 10.4+
Internet Connection: 1 Mbps or higher
Minimum Requirements
Windows PC: 500-MHz Pentium II; Windows XP or higher; 128 MB RAM; Video Card at least 64MB of video memory; Sound Card at least 16-bit; Macromedia Flash Player 10 or higher, audio playback with speakers for programs with video content; Firefox 1.1+, Internet Explorer 7.0+, Safari 1.0+, Google Chrome, or Opera
Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.3 or higher with latest updates installed; 1.83MHz Intel Core Duo or faster; RAM: 128MB or more; Video Card: at least 64MB of video memory; Sound Card: at least 16-bit
Hardware/Software Specifications
This internet-based CME activity is best experienced using Internet Explorer 8+, Mozilla Firefox 3+, Safari 4+. This Web site requires that JavaScript and session cookies be enabled. Certain activities may require additional software to view multimedia, presentation, or printable versions of the content. These activities will be marked as such and will provide links to the required software. That software may be: Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Windows Media Player.